Pet Library

Cat: Scratching Posts

Cats scratch on things for two reasons: to shed their claws and to mark their territory. To save
your furniture from damage, you need to provide your cat with a scratching post or two and teach him how to use it.

Cat: Recognizing and Managing Pain

Recognizing pain in animals is notoriously difficult. Not every animal responds to the same type of pain with the same behavior. Some animals may be vocal and others more withdrawn. Cats,
in particular, are very good at hiding pain and illness.

Cat: Playing with your cat

The most common reported form of aggression towards guardians in young indoor cats involves play aggression with unsolicited attacks, anywhere from light scratches to hard uninhibited skinbreaking bites.

Cat: Play Aggression

Contrary to popular belief, play aggression can occur in a cat of any age. The term “play
aggression” can be deceiving, as this type of aggression can sometimes be extremely intense, especially if the cat has started to target people in the household.

Cat: Overstimulation

Overstimulation refers to a cat’s normal response to being petted or handled in areas or ways the cat finds uncomfortable or have gone on for too long. A majority of cats exhibit overstimulation or petting-induced aggression to some degree.

Cat: Nocturnal Behavior in Cats

Has your kitten been waking you up at 5 AM for food and a good play session or even keeping you up all night playing vigorously with toys he ignores during the day? Pouncing on your feet the moment you finally fall asleep?

Cat: Moving with your cat

When introducing any cat into a new home, there is one thing all cats need—time to adjust to his
new space. You can make the adjustment period shorter by letting your cat get to know his new home slowly.

Cat: Mental Enrichment

Satisfies cat’s predatory drive, increases physical fitness, and encourages cats to play

Cat: Litter box problems

If your cat is urinating or defecating outside the litter box, we certainly understand your
frustration. Luckily, this is a treatable condition in most cases. A medical exam, as well as a few simple changes can help to re-establish proper litter box use.

Cat: Leash training

Teaching your cat to walk on a harness and leash is a great way to let your cat safely enjoy the
outdoors. It can also come in handy during trips to the vet, other necessary travel, or even when safely introducing two cats to each other.