Category: Cat Care

Cat: Leash training

Teaching your cat to walk on a harness and leash is a great way to let your cat safely enjoy the
outdoors. It can also come in handy during trips to the vet, other necessary travel, or even when safely introducing two cats to each other.

Cat: Indoor vs. Outdoor

Indoor cats and outdoor cats encounter different challenges and risks. An indoor cat might
suffer from boredom and medical issues such as obesity leading to stress, behavior problems, and early death; the outdoor cat is at higher risk for diseases, injuries, and getting lost.

Cat: FIV Information

FIV stands for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a virus that attacks the immune system of cats. Many cats tolerate the virus well, but eventually throughout the cat’s life, the virus will degrade the immune system to the point where common pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites etc.) may cause serious disease.

Cat: Eye contact command

Teaching your cat to make eye contact with you on command is not hard to do and it can be
very useful. An eye contact command can be used to attain and keep your cat’s attention in
situations that may cause fear or anxiety.

Cat: Declawing

Cats are loved for their companionship, playfulness, and gentle love they provide to a home. However, when people and cats live together, some natural feline behaviors can lead to destruction and injury to cat guardians and their property: a new couch being shredded or a
child getting scratched by a playful kitten.

Cat: Keeping cats safe from poisons

Cats are naturally curious, but their curiosity can put them in danger, such as when they
become tempted to taste plants or other household items that may be poisonous to them.

Cat: Claw Clipping

Indoor cats, even with access to a scratching post need to have their claws clipped occasionally, some might need it as frequent as every few months.

Cat: Anxiety Chemical Relievers

Before using an anxiety chemical reliever, please consult a veterinarian to make sure the
behavior isn’t health related.

Cat: Adopting a Fearful Cat

Fear is common and a perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. However, if fear isn’t addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems, so if your cat is showing fear or shyness you should always deal with it proactively.