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Dog: Head halter exercises

Teaching your dog to love his head halter makes your walks much more enjoyable for you and your dog. It’s well worth a little work at the outset to avoid having your dog stop many times during a walk to paw at his halter.

Dog: Handling your puppy

Teaching your puppy to enjoy being handled is essential to a happy, safe, and convenient life with her now and as she grows.

Dog: Barking at the Front door – quite command

The idea behind this exercise is to allow your dog to bark when there is someone at the door,
but for him to be quiet when told. Keep in mind that barking is normal canine behavior.

Dog: Go to your bed command

Teaching your dog to go to his bed (or crate) is relatively easy and very useful. Not only can you
direct your dog to go lie down in situations when it’s nice to have him out from underfoot, for example during mealtimes or when visitors are at the door, but your dog will learn to settle at times when he might otherwise get over-excited.

Dog: Barking at the front door – greeting

You can control nuisance barking at the door by teaching your dog the following sequence when the doorbell rings: 1) Bark at the door; 2) Go to a designated spot;

Dog: Food and resource guarding

Resource guarding behavior is a demonstration of possessiveness around any thing or place the dog considers valuable and is afraid to lose: toys, food, bones, sleeping spots, garbage, even the TV remote control.

Dog: Find It Command

When your dog knows “find it,” you can distract him away from or pass distractions in the
environment. It’s also a great way to give your dog a mental workout.

Dog: Fearful Behavior

Fear is a common and perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. However, if fear isn’t addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems, so if your dog is showing fear or shyness, you should always deal with it proactively.

Dog: Excitement and Fear Urination during greeting

Some dogs, often puppies or young adults, are unable to control their bladders during greetings; this can involve greeting humans and/or other dogs.

Dog: Dog Aggression on leash

her dog while he’s on his leash? This unpleasant but common behavioral problem in dogs can be caused by barrier frustration.